Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Success on Day One...again

     I did it!  VICTORY! 
A little review from yesterdays blog: Plan A 
  • Don't eat past 8pm. Simple plans are sometimes the best.
  • NO bread (not good for the tummy or the butt, thighs, and, hips)
  • Workout
  • Create a meal plan for the next few days 
OK, so beside the half piece of bread at breakfast and a couple fries at dinner, I stuck to the plan. 
  • Got my workout in in the morning, before I drove on a field trip.
  • Post baseball game, we ate dinner before 8! Woot!
  • OOPS! NO concrete meal plan, but ate very good yesterday, minus the few misses. I am going to share my menu with you daily just to give you ideas that might work for your goals.
An egg, cuppa joe, and a green smoothie.

4 pieces of sliced turkey with crunchy, fresh pickles inside, 10 (give or take a few) pecans dipped in Kirkland pesto, 1/2 slice of toast(the delicious kind with all the seeds and nuts Eureka!)(Oh yah, I said no bread!) Ahh, foiled again. Topped it off with a large cup of Knudsen Very Veggie spicy juice

Zone Perfect Perfectly Simple Toasted Coconut Bar, (Pack of 12)

Napa Portabella Chicken with veggies and potatoes from Applebee's (only 550 cal). YUM-O!
Applebee's has "kids eat for $.99" on Tuesday!  NO Dishes to wash!! 

So, yah, you could say I am mildly proud of myself...OK, super proud of myself!

Today is off to a good start also.

Egg, coffee, and large cup of green smoothie- our Costco now carries large bottles of
     Naked Juice Green Machine. Tasty and chalk-full of good stuff!

Took a 4 mile run with my lady friends, one of which is a few months preggers.  She kept up like a champ! That's good work ladies!

Protein power shake

I'm well on my way. Today IS going to be a SUCCESS for me! How 'bout YOU? 
I'd love to hear from you.

 “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” ~Robert J Collier




  1. How do you feel about the theory of eating a small healthy snack every three hours? I didn't notice an morning snack on your victory day... or maybe you sleep in until 9am? :)
    No bread???? How about sandwich thins?

  2. Well, yes, I usually luxuriate in bed until the maid brings me coffee and the paper...Uh,NO! Up at 6am and running (figuratively) til 10pm. Small snacks throughout the day are the way to go. Try as I might, I don't always do that. I make an effort to listen to my body and have a small snack if it's hungry in between meals...I do however try to ignore it when it tells me to "eat the cake, just eat the cake". Selective hearing can be a good thing.
    Not eating bread is a personal choice for me, and others, in that it makes me feel sluggish and bloated if I consume it all the time. Not on my top 10 list of ways to feel. The paleo cookbook at the top of the page has a great video on how food affects our body. Check it out! Just scroll up to the top and click!


What's on your mind regarding today's post?